all postcodes in L4 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L4 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L4 9RB 39 1 53.441674 -2.935879
L4 9RD 30 0 53.443296 -2.937616
L4 9RE 31 0 53.443198 -2.93528
L4 9RF 26 0 53.444868 -2.937816
L4 9RG 43 1 53.443309 -2.934861
L4 9RH 14 0 53.445773 -2.939297
L4 9RJ 39 0 53.446493 -2.940276
L4 9RL 40 0 53.443114 -2.935655
L4 9RN 24 0 53.444673 -2.93855
L4 9RP 12 0 53.444562 -2.938969
L4 9RQ 32 0 53.445139 -2.937627
L4 9RR 34 0 53.444019 -2.938279
L4 9RS 22 0 53.442211 -2.936117
L4 9RT 34 0 53.441951 -2.936021
L4 9RU 37 0 53.442558 -2.936606
L4 9RW 28 0 53.444829 -2.938207
L4 9RX 49 0 53.442705 -2.937407
L4 9RZ 8 1 53.447359 -2.942177
L4 9SA 4 0 53.447759 -2.942486
L4 9SB 14 0 53.442087 -2.938237